Monday, January 29, 2007

How will you amaze Jesus?

I went to a new church last Thursday night. It's a church that's actually received a lot of criticism. It's a seeker church and some people just don't like that. Others think they are just for show. The church has some very cutting edge ideas and actually reaches more lost people than any other church I've had the privilege to be apart of. Of course I had to find out for myself. Granger Community Church (GCC) has 5, yes 5, weekend services... 2 Saturday night and 3 Sunday morning. They also have a Thursday night service geared towards those that are desiring to go deeper. I decided to attend last Thursday night and see what all the fuss was about. I think I've just found my new church.

It's high energy, it's loud, it's technologically minded and it's gut wrenching to the core. I felt like I was in the middle of a Passion concert during worship and that I was sitting on the hillside listening to Jesus speak during the message. For the first time since I moved here... I entered into the throne of worship and fell at his sweet feet. It was an incredibly moving service... far from the 'show' I had heard about this place. It was high action, it was loud... and it was spectacular. As tears streamed down my face, I thanked the Father for giving me exactly what I had asked for... to walk into a church and know this was where God wanted me.

The message that night was on authority. A message I certainly needed to hear. He spoke on the way the world views authority which is as follows:

He then went on to say that there isn't a time in the Bible (other than dealing with Satan or a demon) where Jesus goes from top to bottom. He always goes from bottom to top. He accepted and affirmed people which caused them to want to be accountable... which then gave him authority over them. He challenged us to approach people with humility... as Jesus did. He also said that Jesus was only amazed twice in the Bible... once with humility and once with lack of faith. He ended the service by asking how we would choose to amaze Jesus.

It was convicting... to the core. It's one of those messages when you feel sucker punched... before you ever saw it coming. How will I amaze Jesus? Is he amazed because I don't have enough faith to believe he can move my mountains and will protect me? Or is he amazed because I come with a humble heart... and not a prideful arrogant one? I've been guilty of both. Unfortunately lack of faith more than the other. I don't have to settle for that. I don't want to demand respect or demand authority... feel like I'm owed something because. The fact is... I'm not owed anything. Everything I have isn't because I deserve it. It's exactly the opposite. I don't deserve any of it. It's again... grace. When I truly accept my grace I live in the victory with which Christ has made me free, but it causes me to be humble. Jesus' love is a love I want to be accountable to. A love I so don't deserve... I can't do anything but be humble about it. How will Jesus be amazed by you?


.suz. said...

wow! Just... WOW!

going to bed thinking about how I will/do amaze Jesus....

ruthrap said...

i came over here from Hooked and am glad i did..and happy for you to have found that church..sounds like my kind of church! bet no-one naps there! very good message!

alicia said...

thanks, ruthrap! glad you came over to visit- and you are right! no naps at GCC!

DC Curry said...

I'm so glad you came to check us out! I love to hear stories of Jesus meeting people as they come be a part of the GCC family. See you around.