Monday, November 27, 2006


Yes, it was a very popular TV show of which I was a huge fan... but it's also something we all, if we're blessed, have. I have been reminded a lot this week about how grateful I am for my friends. I think it's safe to say that most of the ones I count as my 'best' and 'closest'... I haven't known longer than 2 months. It's kind of funny how God does those things. When I changed my life and lost most of my close friends, I prayed God would give me a solid group of friends that were desiring to live godly lives. I had a very lonely 7 months. God put people in my life I needed at the time, but he didn't give me a solid group because he knew he was going to move me to Indiana... so he gave them to me here. Once again... God knew and I didn't! One of these days I'm going to drill that into this thick head of mine! God provided me with the most solid group of friends I could ask for and I love them so dearly. I can't even express how cool it is to have a group of young singles that are desiring to walk godly lives and are willing to call me out in a heartbeat if I'm not doing it! We laugh, we cry... we have amazing times together and I've known them for about 5 weeks. God is SO amazing and even though I shouldn't be suprised (considering he can do anything)... I never want that amazement to go away. I always want to be amazed at what God does and stunned by his majesty and glory.

God also provided a family for me through a group called Tres Dias. I've made some incredible (and interesting) friends through this group and he knew I needed them. One big haired twin in particular... I've gotten to know SO well. She's been SUCH a blessing and an inspiration to me. It's amazing how God puts someone in your life that's been where you are... and can relate after she's already been through it. I am so thankful she is in my life and that I can learn from her everyday. God has brought two people in particular back into my life that had been out of it sometime to be major encouragements to me. One let me live with her during a trying time and another came in just when I needed her. Friends are an amazing thing. I believe God's all we need to get through it, but boy do friends help. I love being able to call any of these people at anytime and ask them for a prayer or know that if I needed anything in this world, they would be there. Thanksgiving is over, but I don't want to ever lose sight of being 'thankful. My awesome brother in Christ, Paul says in Philippians 'I thank my God every time I remember you'. Those words bring a smile to my face. I want my friends to know how thankful I am for them. You all are a true gift from God and I'm so excited to learn from each of you. Thank you for being my friend!


Gabrielle said...

Girl, you are so right about friends. God did the same for me, as you know, and you were part of that answer!
I love your blog - good thoughts.
Jesus comes out as you talk, it's cool.

.suz. said...

twin- you bless me right back! *mwah*

Anonymous said...

ok, so if we all were to be in a "Friends" episode, even though I'd WANT to be the good looking Joey or even the funny guy Chandler, I just know I'd have to be the goofy brother Ross (in my best Napolean imitation - "goshhhhhhh")...

Anonymous said...

Hey Hook- well you are MY goofy brother Ross, er I mean Roy- but you do get your good looks from dad, and you are funny... but I always had a crush on Chandler so that would just be wrong for you to be Chandler, and you are way smarter than Joey the sammich eater- so you get Roy, er I mean Ross by default. Not because you are a dork.
(sorry for taking up your blog for that Al- ok, I'm not really sorry... but thought I should say that!)

alicia said...

I know you aren't sorry, Suz. LOL, but I think it's hilarious. You always had a crush on Chandler?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

yes ma'am.
I rather like his humor.

Anonymous said...


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