Friday, November 17, 2006

Am I Enough?

Am I enough? I think it's the question we ask ourselves everyday in one way or another. Do we measure up? Do we 'fit the mold'? Do we exceed the expectations? The real question we should ask ourselves is who is the judge of our expectations? Who do we allow to hold the mold that decides we are or aren't enough?
When we look through the worlds eyes, we will never be enough. If we see each other as the world sees us, we will never fit that perfect mold. Instead, we should look at ourselves through the eyes of Jesus. Instead of looking at our sin and who our sin made us, we should look at ourselves (if in fact we are Christians) as new creations. If we measure ourselves by our sin and see who we are because of it, what was the point of Calvary? 2 Corinthians 12:9 says 'His grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness'. How different would our lives be if we lived that way? If we lived LIKE Christ intended us to live with the knowledge that no matter who we are, what we've done or what we will do... Christ's grace is sufficient for ME. That in my weaknesses and in my persecutions, His power is made perfect. Verse 10 of the same passage continues on to say, 'Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me'. 'Rest on me'... I don't know about you, but as we say in North Carolina... those words will preach! It's not when I'm sitting on the mountaintop that I am the strongest... it's in those moments in the valley... those moments that I think I can't take another step and if I do I will surely die... that my God, my Savior and my everything, will take me in His arms, hold me tight and let His power just rest on me. If we lived our lives knowing we are paid for with a price and loved and forgiven by the King of Kings... maybe then we'd realize that we were in fact never enough... He made us enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BRAVO! Spoken from someone who sounds like she "get's it"! You ARE enough. Period. His grace is sufficent... sounds like a write down to me!

Have I told you today how PROUD I am of you? Well, now I have. You ROCK my friend...
