Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Look- a squirrel!

A group of my most holiest friends were together this weekend. We had a blast together and laughed til my sides hurt (they are still a lil sore). These girls are the best and I'll never forget some of the memories we made.

While we were together we began talking about a rather popular subject for Christian woman... the Mary vs. Martha saga. Now I have always been a firm believer that Mary was just plain lazy. Martha was doing all the work and Mary just sat around. We came up with many scenarios of why we thought Martha gets it a little too hard and Mary just gets off easy. For starters, Jesus seemed to always be at Martha's house. Why? Probably because Mary's was a disaster from her laziness. 1 of my closest friends decided that Mary was also a thief. When she saw our bewildered faces she continued on to say that there was no way Mary could have afforded an expensive perfume by sitting around all the time and she certainly had to have stolen it from Martha who actually did some work. (I don't know if anyone else is laughing, but this was hilarious to me... maybe you had to be there). The last and final conclusion we came to (which is my very favorite) is that Martha could have been ADD. What if the poor girl was sitting listening to Jesus and was distracted by everything? Can't you see it? Jesus is talking and Martha's twiddling her thumbs... she darts her head to the left and exclaims, 'LOOK! It's a squirrel' and jumps up completely distracted. That's funny right there... I don't care who you are.

If you know me well, then you know I mean no disrespect to anything written or to any of these people of the Bible. It was a fun time and we had a blast turning the tides on the Martha vs. Mary saga. I think that's the point sometimes. We get so wrapped up in theology or in the seriousness of the scriptures that we forget to have fun. We think we can have fun, but we have to go away from God to do it. Don't get me wrong... I believe they should be respected and we should be serious about them sometimes, but there are days we just need to laugh. Days we need to decide that today I'm going to say Martha was ADD and today I'm going to decide that I don't have to be Mary all the time. I think we concentrate so much on trying to be 1 person or the other that we tend to forget who we are. We think God was never funny or that he's serious all the time. It's not true!! God is hilarious!! He told me so :) There are times when we need to be serious and sit before the throne of God in reverence, but there are days when I need to pull up a chair beside him with my best girlfriends and joke and laugh with him til my sides hurt and scream, 'Look! It's a squirrel!!'.


.suz. said...

smiling on the inside and out...
hurry back to us!

Anonymous said...

Well written article.