Moving here last year I really had no clue what in the world I was getting myself into. 'Snow' they said? Oh- I'm sure it can't be that bad! Uh huh. Last year I had my very good friend tell me a little secret she had heard to help with the snow. You see, when it snows a lot or we have ice, your windshield wipers get all icy and then they don't work well. This friend had been told a great way to help with this problem was to put tube socks on your wipers and then bam- they are great in the morning. Mentioning no names- SUZ PATRICK- you have to understand Suz told me this trick a year ago and I'd never tried it. The other day we had quite a large snow to which she asked, 'you haven't tried what I told you a year ago, have you?'... I quickly responded that I had my softball socks all ready to go. When I got home last night... it was snowing hard so I thought what could be a better time to try this out? After battling a bit to get them on there... I was ready to go. I couldn't wait to see what a great job this little trick would do and what TIME it would save me. This morning I rushed out to my snow covered car... I brushed away the many inches of snow and smiled to see my happy little black and white striped socks covering and protecting my windshield wipers. To my horror as I went to remove them... I found them frozen- solid as a freakin' rock. I pondered a moment what to do. How in the world could this great trick have turned so badly? Already late for work, I decided to deal with it- after all- it wasn't snowing and I wouldn't need the wipers. Surely the sun would melt them down as the day went on?
My drive to work wasn't the ease I expected. Everytime a car flew by, the snow and water would fly up onto my windshield. Out of pure instinct I would turn on the windshield wipers which would go back and forth with frozen tube socks smearing the water even more while my defroster continued to melt it. Thank the Lord I don't have a Florida tag on my car. I finally arrived at work in one piece- very thankful I might add. I wasn't sure what to do about this problem, but I certainly wasn't about to ask anyone for help because then this meant I had to show them my shameful frozen tube socks. I went into work confident the sun would melt it enough for me to get it off. Sometime this afternoon I decided I should go check on my 'issue'. I opted to go out the back door where we have a steep hill... surely I could simply walk up. It was only snow... we hadn't really had any ice. Way to go genius- you have tube socks frozen to your wipers, but don't consider the possibility of ice? As I make my way up the hill- so far, so good. Then that moment of slow motion, the moment you know you've hit the ice and you no longer have feet below you and you see yourself plummeting... yep, that was me, wiped out. Not one to give up- I simply tried again... only to realize the only way up, was to crawl. My crawl was a success and I quickly stood up, checking around to see who had seen my embarrassment and trying to sneak to my car so no one would see me 'working' on it. Fairly confident, I figured I'd take them off and be done. All my efforts proved to be in vain... when still, the tube socks are frozen solid. Hanging my head in shame, I return to work. (In the front door and NOT down the hill... don't worry).
On my way home I had a brilliant idea. I could cut them off! Of course this would work. Slice them down the side- then pry them off. I waited until it was dark, the less people to see me and bundled up... it was cold out there so I was covered from head to toe. I walk out confident this will work. Have you ever tried to cut a block of ice with kid scissors? That's what I felt like I was doing- not a chance. Feeling like an even bigger idiot... what would I do?! Considering hot water were an issue- it could crack my windshield. I'm going to need my wipers! I can't continue going on like this until MARCH! Another random idea occurs... a hot towel. Careful not to get it on my windshield, I finally manage to loosen them up enough to pry them off my windshield- Thank you Jesus!! What an experience today was. The good news- I have pictures to prove it, but I do have two things to say. I believe I have found the newest kick- butt weapon ever- frozen tube socks... I mean you could knock someone out cold with that thing- and two... I believe this would be considered the northern version of tp-ing. I'm making my list right now!

This pic is after I took it off my wiper... holding it STRAIGHT up in the air! rofl!

omg i'm still crying from laughing
and i KNOW the story!
thanks for not mentioning any names.
Too funny ... is your friend who told you this from the north or the south??? :-) Thanks for the smile! a GREAT story!!!
See what you would be missing in boring Florida...where the weather is always perfect? You wouldn't have any hilarious stories to share. You should start a column..."Lessons learned from a Southern girl living in the North!" :-)
That's great! I think you could definitely sue 'someone' - not mentioning any names - for negligence!!!
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