Thursday, December 7, 2006

Get outta the boat...

On Wednesdays, a couple from work has starting having the singles over for dinner. We have great food and instead of just talking about sports, or tv, we get into some real spiritual issues and talk about where we are in our lives and what we're dealing with. A particular friend of mine had the night tonight and he came up with a theme. He talked about Peter stepping out of the boat and how the other disciples sat in the boat. It really challenged me to think of where I am in my life.

Moving here was a huge step out of the boat. In fact, it wasn't a step.... it was a huge head first dive (which is usually how I do most things). The point... not much. I stepped out of the boat and it's over. Done. I did it. Move on. I can't keep using that as my 'step out in faith'. It's a daily battle... as the battle to die to self is daily... the stepping out in faith is right in there. I need to see where I am right now... what have I done this week to step out in faith for God, what have I done today? Some days stepping out of the boat is easy because we want to be radical and we want to be different. Other days that nice dry boat is comfortable and nothing short of a sprung leak is getting us out of there. I don't want to be 'content'... I want to be radical. The thing I'd hate to be called would be 'normal or plain'. I want to step out on faith and know that my God is there to catch me. I want to step with the confidence of a God that's already won the war.

If there's anyone in the Bible that can give us hope, surely it's Peter. How many times did the poor guy just stick his foot in his mouth? (I think that's why I like him so much). More than that, for me Peter was radical. Whatever he did he gave it 110% (yes, I know, I said 110). He denied Jesus 3 times, said ridiculously stupid things, fell on the water because he took his eyes off Jesus... but who did the Savior say he would build his house upon?! Peter... the rock! When it gets right down to it... where are we any better than Peter? I want to be a Peter... I want to give God everything I have... even if sometimes I say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing... I want him to know I'm radically dedicated to him. I want to serve him with reckless abandon and I don't want to spend another day inside that boat watching the others that are walking side by side our Savior amongst the waves.... I want to be there with him.

1 comment:

alicia said...

i do know you're there.. and i can't thank you enough. you're awesome and i love you!